Festival Celebration

Some common questions and answers regarding the Festival Celebration Community and HOA

QuestionWhat process do I need to follow to make changes to my house exterior?

  1. For Painting, find a HOA approved color scheme that you want to use at the Dunn-Edwards website and choose a color scheme.
  2. Fill out the Festival Celebration Architectural Submittal Form located at the HOA Information page.
  3. Mail or fax the form to Kinney Management Services. 
  4. The application will be reviewed by the Architectural Committee and you should receive a response within 60 days.

Question: Who do I contact if I have a complaint/issue that needs resolution concerning the HOA or Neighborhood?


  • Contact KMS - Debbie at 480-820-3451 ext 201 or by email at debbie@kinneymanagement.com for all HOA matters.
  • Call (480-782-4320) or Visit the Neighborhood Code Enforcement website for neighborhood issues.

Question: What can I do about my neighbor's barking dog?


  • Have a polite conversation with them about the issue
  • Chandler Police Department website has information on how to address this issue

Question: Where do I report a broken street light?


  • Streetlight repair can be contacted via phone at 480-782-3460